


As a lawyer with significant experience in four major practice areas: criminal prosecution, 刑事辩护, 民防和原告工作, 还有从大公司到我的个人执业经验, I am confident that I will be able to represent the diverse perspectives of my fellow members of the 乔治亚州律师协会 with excellence. I have significant actual courtroom and trial experience and practice in courtrooms all around the state of Georgia, 包括北方, 中部和南部联邦地区法院. 我也有在外交上与其他人合作的丰富经验, 巧妙而成功地处理各种政策. 除其他活动外, I served as an advisor to former Atlanta Mayor Bottoms 影响经济适用房政策, homelessness, 经济发展, 21世纪警务和刑事司法改革. I have spent my entire career ensuring that I lead through service and that I represented the Bar with excellence and integrity. For example, I worked closely with DeKalb Volunteer Lawyers Foundation providing pro bono legal services for victims of domestic violence. I have also volunteered with the Georgia Justice Project and Southern Center for Human Rights other organizations providing pro bono legal services to youthful offenders, using my experience as a prosecutor to provide at-risk youth a second chance at becoming productive and successful members of society through the expungement process. 我目前在多个董事会任职, 包括乔治亚州西班牙裔商会, 盖特城酒吧和黑人实验室. 我也是Dekalb律师协会的前任主席. 但最重要的是, 我是一个敬业、值得信赖的领导者, friend and family man and I humbly look forward to continuing my history of service to Georgia.



  • State University of New York at Buffalo 2001 (Psychology and African American Studies)
  • 西密歇根大学托马斯M. 库利法学院2009年


  • 我和妻子乔伊住在亚特兰大市的西部. 我妻子是非营利教育机构的基金经理. She formerly did grant management work for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Council here in Georgia. 乔伊来自底特律,我来自波多黎各,途经纽约布朗克斯. 在过去的25年里,我们把格鲁吉亚当作家,在这里抚养我们的孩子.
  • 我们有5个孩子,3个男孩和2个女孩. 我的大儿子桑塔纳, is a Neuroscience major and senior at the University of Pittsburgh and headed to medical school. 我的二儿子, Lyon, is a high school senior and soccer player headed to college in the fall to be an environmental scientist. He has been accepted by several universities and is currently undecided as to where he will attend. My youngest son, Legend, is a senior in middle school and plays trombone in a high school band. 他想去JSU或者FAMU继续和大学乐队一起表演. 我的大女儿,Journey,是一名二年级学生,和她妈妈一样是一名艺术家和舞者. 我最小的女儿Sekai今年3岁,她的超能力是笑. 所以,我将从事很长一段时间的法律工作.
  • I always knew I would end up representing injured people as I was raised by a single mother, 他在我十岁的时候因车祸瘫痪了. 从那时起,我就开始照顾我们的家庭.


  • I began my career after college as a social worker here in Atlanta working with mentally ill homeless clients. 在法庭上为我的客户辩护激励我上了法学院. 我还在乔治亚州自杀热线当过顾问.
  • 我现在有自己的律师事务所, 多明格斯律师事务所, 专门从事人身伤害, wrongful death and civil rights. 我也是一名陪审团审判顾问,协助其他律师审理案件.
  • Prior to opening my own practice, I was a trial attorney on the plaintiff’s side for Morgan & 摩根亚特兰大. 我在那里实习了7年, was a partner there and led their jury trials in just about every county here in Georgia. I have spent the majority of my career in Georgia courtrooms trying my cases in front of a juries. 我也被允许在美国最高法院执业.
  • Prior to plaintiff’s work, I was a civil defense attorney with Thomas Kennedy Sampson & Tompkins LLP. I represented the City of Atlanta, MARTA, and American Family Insurance to name a few of my clients.
  • 民事执业前, 我做了6年助理副检察长和助理地区检察官. I became the first Latino prosecutor in Rockdale, DeKalb and Clayton County where I served.
  • My legal career began as an extern and then law clerk at the Georgia Court of Appeals with Judge Anne Barnes. 此后,我开了多明格斯律师事务所,担任刑事辩护律师.
  • 多年来,我曾在佐治亚州律师协会的各种委员会任职, but currently serve on the Seeking Equal Justice and Addressing Racism and Racial Bias Committee. 我毕业于乔治亚州律师协会的YLD领导项目.
  • 我曾为前亚特兰大市长伯顿斯担任法律和社区顾问, 影响经济适用房政策, homelessness, 经济发展, 21世纪警务和刑事司法改革.
  • I have worked closely with DeKalb Volunteer Lawyers Foundation providing pro bono legal services for victims of domestic violence and served on their Board of Directors for several years.
  • My pro bono legal services include using my experience as a prosecutor to provide at-risk youth a second chance at becoming productive and successful members of society through the expungement process. I have also performed pro bono services with the Georgia Justice Project and Southern Center for Human Rights.
  • 我在多个董事会任职, 包括乔治亚州西班牙裔商会 and the Gate City Bar Association.
  • I am a member of Georgia Trial Lawyers Association and the Atlanta Bar Association and currently serve as a member on their judicial nominating committee. 我是迪卡尔布律师协会的前任主席.
  • I often serve as a CLE and law school speaker for various bar associations and law schools on the topic of conducting jury trials and ethics in the practice of law.
  • 我已经被公认为 Georgia Trend杂志 最好的和最聪明的, 全国律师协会的全国最佳律师, 迪卡尔布律师协会的法律战士, 拉丁美洲领导人 Magazine Top Latino Lawyers in the Country, Super Lawyers, National Trial Lawyers’ Top 100, 美国律师 Magazine’s Trailblazer of the South and have had various jury verdicts listed amongst their annual top verdicts in Georgia.


  • One of the most pressing issues facing the Bar is non-lawyers engaging in the unlicensed practice of law in minority communities and law firms using non-lawyers as a referral source to reach out to accident victims here in Georgia. I hope to assist the Bar in investigating and prosecuting these violations of our Bar rules.
  • Another pressing issue is the percentage of minority lawyers being disbarred in Georgia. I hope to assist our Bar in creating additional mentorship programs for young lawyers to help address and avoid the mistakes that ultimately lead to disciplinary action.