

Serving on the 理事会 for any local bar association is truly an honor; but being able to represent Houston County to the 乔治亚州律师协会 would be, 对我来说, 最高的特权和愿望之一. As a Houston County native, I’ve made my home here and chosen to focus my practice here. I’ve devoted much of my legal career to public service here in Houston County. Through my work with the State Bar 青年律师科 and the Houston County Bar 青年律师科, we were able to build one of the best local YLD chapters in the state. I helped to establish and host the Annual Houston County YLD BBQ for several years, which has been attended through the years by numerous members of the local bar as well as Bar members from across the state, 包括州上诉法院的法官, 州律师协会执行委员会成员, State YLD presidents and candidates for state political positions. It was through my work with the local YLD that we helped to establish the yearly 50/50 Raffle during the Bar Christmas Party where half the money raised goes towards the Houston County Bar Scholarship each year.

As a 2015 Graduate of the State Bar Young 律师 Leadership Academy, 休斯敦县YLD前总裁, 休斯顿县律师协会前任主席, and Past Middle District Representative to the State Bar YLD Representative Council, I would love nothing more than the opportunity to represent my home at the next level of State Bar politics. 请考虑投我一票, 瑞安英语 to be your next representative to the State Bar 理事会.



  • 佐治亚南方大学,B.A. 历史/人类学, 优等生, 2008
  • 沃尔特·F. 美世大学乔治法学院,2012年


  • 嫁给卡拉·妮可(Heesh)英语
  • 女儿Amelia Ruth 英语(6岁)
  • 参加佩里第一浸信会教堂
  • 爱好包括花时间和家人在一起, 烧烤烹饪, ATV骑, 海滩之旅/巡航, 喜欢看F1比赛, 棒球, 大学足球和英超足球
  • 本科荣誉:
  • 双学位
  • 乔治亚·霍普学者
  • Michael E. 邵逸夫奖学金(历史),2008-09年度
  • Founding member of the Georgia Southern Chapter (Gamma Phi) of the Theta Xi Fraternity
  • 法学院荣誉:
  • 威廉一个. 美国法庭旅馆学生会员
  • Phi Delta Phi法律兄弟会
  • Mercer Law and 公共 Service Certificate Recipient (500 plus hours of public service volunteer work while in law school)


  • Current Employer: Houston County District Attorney’s Office, May 2022-Present
  • Assistant District Attorney, assigned to the Narcotic Division
  • 以前的就业
  • Oconee Circuit District Attorney’s Office, March 2020-April 2022
  • ADA assigned to prosecute all Felonies and Misdemeanors arising from Pulaski County
  • Also served as Pulaski Probate Court Solicitor January 2021—April 2022
  • Houston County District Attorney’s Office, June 2016—March 2020
  • 助理助理被指派到财产部
  • 沃克,赫尔伯特,格雷,摩尔律师事务所. (Perry, Georgia), 2015年1月- 2016年5月
  • 长 & 大厅,LLP). (乔治亚州华纳罗宾斯),2013年4月- 2015年12月
  • Atlantic Circuit 公共 Defender’s Office (Reidsville, Georgia), November 2012—April 2013
  • State and Local Bar Experience/State and Local YLD Experience
  • 乔治亚州律师协会 青年律师科 Leadership Academy Graduate, 2014
  • 休斯顿县律师协会主席,2019年
  • Houston County Bar Association 青年律师科 President 2015-2016
  • Founding Member of the Houston County Chapter of the State Bar 青年律师科
  • State Bar Of Georgia 青年律师科 Middle District Representative, 2014-2016
  • 乔治亚州律师协会 青年律师科 Criminal Law Committee Co-Chair, 2016
  • Co-Founder of the Houston County 青年律师科 Annual BBQ


  • 在州律师级别
  • I believe that engagement (of lack thereof) with the State Bar by practicing attorneys (especially those in the prosecution and criminal defense communities) has always been a key issue that could be worked on. Through my time in working with the State Bar 青年律师科, I have personally seen the benefits and enjoyed the experiences that come with being active in the State Bar and YLD. Reaching out to all members and trying to encourage more participation in the State Bar is something that I believe strongly in and would certainly do my best to represent my circuit in trying to encourage all members to participate in State Bar activities.
  • 在当地酒吧级别
  • 和我在州律师事务所的立场一样, I believe that engagement with the local bar is of utmost importance. Engagement requires communication among all members and staying up-to-date with things happening at the State Bar level. 休斯顿县有一个繁荣的律师社区, 包括年轻人、老年人和许多中间阶层, and simply having an open line of communication among all members is essential in helping the local bar remain a positive force for good works in the community. From meeting with attorneys in private and public practices to discuss matters they would like to see sponsored, to seeing the local YLD engage more in non-formal settings with our more seasoned veterans of practice can help to build bridges in the legal community that increase productivity, 鼓励解决问题, foster greater respect between colleagues and so much more. 这一切都始于沟通和参与.